10 Natural Ways to Deal with PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome)

Women experience a group of physical and emotional symptoms such as abdominal bloating, breast tenderness, loss of appetite, fatigue, depression, and anxiety one or two weeks before their menstrual period. For some, they are just the signal that their period will start soon but for others, these symptoms are really annoying and interfere with their day-to-day life. If you too feel troubled one or two weeks before period you probably have PMS or Premenstrual syndrome.


Even though there are several medications to treat the disorder, but what’s better than a natural way. Read the article till the end to know some natural ways to deal with PMS.

Regular medication can help you in relaxing and getting relief both mentally and physically. So, practice meditation daily for at least 10 minutes in the morning and evening to reduce stress and ease other PMS symptoms.

Warm baths can help ease menstrual cramps and anxiety. It relaxes you for good night sleep. So, go and enjoy a 20-minute soak before you go to bed to reduce PMS symptoms. And don’t forget to use soothing scents and play soft music for that extra relaxation.

Menstrual products can worsen PMS symptoms. Where tampons can cause cramping and lower abdominal pain, scented pads and pantyliners may lead to irritation to those with sensitive skin. So, it’s better to experiment with other options such as menstrual cups, organic pads, and pantyliners.

Eating the right foods will minimize symptoms that make you feel uncomfortable. You should:
• Eat frequent small meals to ease bloating and stomach upset.
• Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables.
• Drink a lot of water.
• Eat high-protein foods.
• Avoid salt and salty snacks.
• Avoid alcohol, caffeine, and high sugary foods.
• Avoid meat and high-fat foods

Yoga warms up the body and helps to ease pain and promoting relaxation. It helps to decrease abdominal swelling, breast tenderness and enhances mental health and energy levels.
Regular exercise helps in decreasing pain and increasing mood. And the best way is, is to engage in a mix of aerobic activities and strength training each week.

Women with PMS may benefit from taking supplements of calcium, magnesium, vitamin E and vitamin B6. But you should always consult your doctor before using any supplement especially when you are on medication for any other health condition.

Lack of sleep can lead to low mood, irritability, fatigue, and increased sensitivity to pain. And to reduce these symptoms a good night sleep is a necessity for which:
• Sleep at the same time each night.
• Don’t take long naps during the day.
• Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and a high sugary diet before bedtime.
• Avoid watching TV and computer before bedtime.
• Take a warm bath or read a book to relax before bedtime.

From centuries, herbal remedies are being used to treat a lot of ailments, including hormone-related conditions. Herbal remedies which may help minimize PMS symptoms include chaste berry, evening primrose oil, gingko, and St. John’s wort. But these remedies can cause adverse reactions so it’s better to consult a doctor or qualified natural health practitioner before taking them.

Aromatherapy involves the inhaling of essential oils to improve your physical and emotional health. It helps in reducing stress, improving sleep, and relieving pain. You can add the oil to bathwater, or place a few drops in an oil diffuser or use it as a massage oil. Some of the best essential oils for PMS symptoms are chamomile, clary sage, lavender, neroli, and rose.

Acupuncture involves inserting thin needles into specific body parts which tends to increase blood flow and self-healing processes. The best acupuncture points to ease PMS symptoms are:
• two finger-widths below the navel to reduce cramps and bloating
• the bony area between the hips and buttocks to ease pelvic and back pain
• the fleshy area between the thumb and forefinger to reduce headaches and abdominal pain

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