Am I Suffering from Swine Flu?

This is the most arising question these days when a person suffering from even a normal flu. If you are suffering from fever it doesn’t mean you have swine flu. Here, we give some facts about swine flu: Fever greater than 100 F, headache, nasal secretions, cough, lethargySymptoms of swine flu can last for about 1-2 weeks. If you develop those symptoms do consult your doctor soon as you can.



In 2009, influenza A virus type that is designated as H1N1 was responsible for causing swine flu.In 2011, new strain of influenza A (H3N2) virus was detected for causing swine flu.Another virus H3N2 is now known to cause swine flu.

Influenza viruses infect the respiratory tract of pigs and causes barking cough, nasal secretions, low appetite and listless behavior. In pigs swine flu can last for about 1-2 weeks. Symptoms of swine flu in pigs are same as human flu symptoms. The people who were in close association with pigs developed swine flu infection and pigs get infected with human flu viral infection. This cross-species remained in local areas but unfortunately this had a potential to change.


Swine flu transmission occurs from person to person by inhaling or ingesting droplets that contains virus from sneezing or coughing of the affected person. Well cooked pork products are not responsible for causing the disease.


• Young children below five years.

Pregnancy in women

Chronic health problems like asthma, heart disease, diabetes, kidney disease or neurological disease.

• People over 65 years.


Incubation period, i.e. time period from exposure to the time of appearance of first symptom is about 1-4 days. Symptoms of swine flu can last for about 1-2 weeks and if the person is severely infected than symptoms can even last longer

. • Fever.

• Nasal secretions.

• Cough.

• Headache.

• Body pain.

• Sore throat.

• Nausea.

• Vomiting

• Diarrhea.

Severe respiratory symptoms may develop in some patients who may need respiratory support. If the viral infection persists for a long time patient may develop pneumonia while some may have seizures. Infection may lead to secondary bacterial lung infection that causes death.


Vaccination for all above six months of age is recommended by The Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

Maintain hygiene. Thoroughly and frequently wash your hands especially after returning from a public place.

Avoid frequent touching of your eyes mouth or nose.

• If you have symptoms of influenza avoid going out and take enough rest.

• While coughing or sneezing always cover your mouth. Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after you cough or sneeze.

• If going to the swine flu endemic area is unavoidable than wear swine flu mask.

• If a person of your family is affected with swine flu then allow only one person of family to look after the patient.

• Avoid going out for work/school if you are sick.


If you are experiencing any symptoms of flu following tips will help you in easing your symptoms:

Avoid getting dehydrated; drink enough liquid, anything you like, water, juice or warm soup.

• Make your immune system strong enough to fight infection, in order to do that take proper rest .

Inhalation of camphor treats the respiratory tract disease.

How homeopathy can help in swine flu?


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