Lifestyle Changes For Achalasia Cardia

It is a rare disorder, results from damage to nerves in the food tube (oesophagus), preventing the oesophagus from squeezing food into the stomach. This makes it difficult for food and liquid to pass into the stomach.

There are certain lifestyle changes to minimize the discomfort occurring in achalasia.

Dietary Changes
  • Eating slowly, chewing thoroughly, and taking smaller bites can help food travel down the oesophagus more easily.
  • Never lay flat. This may increase your risk of aspirating food into your lungs.
  • Sleep with your head elevated.
  • Avoid eating solid foods at bedtime.
  • Drinking more water with meals can help moisten the food and push it into the stomach.
  • Lose weight if your body mass index is higher than it should be.
  • Reduce, or eliminate, alcohol consumption.
  • Avoid wearing constrictive clothing.
  • Don’t eat too close to bedtime, and don’t cough immediately after eating.
  • Avoid foods like ketchup, citrus, chocolates, and caffeine as they may increase gastric reflux.
  • Keep 4 to 5 small-small meals instead of having a heavy lunch or dinner, it will help in better digestion.
  • Avoid eating too much spicy and fried foods, as they can cause regurgitation or acid reflux.
  • Do not indulge in the habit of self-medication and avoid over-the-counter medication.
  • Always have your food while sitting upright.
 Sleep recommendations
  • Use bed risers to keep your head elevated while you sleep.
  • Using a bed riser gives relief from acid reflux.
Stop smoking
  • If there is a symptom of dysphagia or regurgitation, then stop smoking.
  • Smoking can weaken the lower oesophagal sphincter.

For more information, you can visit Cleveland Clinic and WebMD.

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