Corona And Immunocompromised Patients

Immunocompromised patients are those having an IMPAIRED IMMUNE SYSTEM or WEAKENED IMMUNE SYSTEM which means patients having higher chances of illness and infection. In immunocompromised patient’s immune system defenses are low. The patients who are immunocompromised do not have the same ability to fight infections and other diseases, as those who do not have a compromised immune system. The functions of the immune system cells and systemic metabolism are closely related to each other so i.e immunocompromised patients suffer mainly systemic problems. There are so many factors that are responsible for this condition. Peoples with weakened immunity may not be able to fight CORONA as well as other health issues. Not everyone will get sick from COVID-19, but there are those with lowered immunity, with a higher risk of complications from COVID-19 if they do get it.

• Older adults (mainly after 60 years) and children. They may get sicker when they have the FLU or CORONA.
• Patients those having a specific disease or chronic disease condition such as:
– Respiratory infections,
– Cancerous condition,
– Heart disease,
– Lung disease cancer,
– Diabetes,
– Genetic disorders.
• In some cases, peoples are born with immune deficiencies due to genetic problems.
– Selective IgA deficiency,
– Chronic granulomatous disease
• Medicinal treatment like:
– Steroids,
– Chemotherapy,
– Radiation therapy,
– Bone marrow,
– Organ transplantation
• Our immune system can also be weakened by cigarette smoking, alcohol, and poor or deficient nutrition.
• HIV, which causes AIDS, is an acquired viral infection that destroys important white blood cells and weakens the immune system.

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• The immunity plays an important role in the defense mechanisms but in the case of the immunocompromised patient, the weakened immune systems are more susceptible to CORONA VIRUS.
• Half of the CORONA patients suffer from multiple diseases like DIABETES and RENAL PROBLEMS with needs HOSPITALIZATION.
• Approx 78% of the patients in INTENSIVE CARE had at least one underlying health issue.
• Approx 71% of patients needing hospitalization for CORONA had at least one underlying health issue.

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The peoples with weakened immune systems are at higher risk of getting severely sick from SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes CORONA. They may also remain infectious for a longer period of time than others with CORONA. In some cases the viral infection persists for a long time because of any persisting disease condition and low defense mechanism system.

• Avoiding other people.
• Wear a protective mask.
• Do not touch your face and eyes.
• Social distancing.
• Washing your HANDS REGULARLY.
• Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces.

For more information, you can visit HealthLine.

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