Can Homeopathic Medicines Help In Case Of Autism!

Autism is a NEUROLOGICAL DEVELOPMENTAL condition and it is also known as AUTISM SPECTRUM and PERVASIVE DEVELOPMENT DISORDER. The normal brain function is affected by Autism that is characterized by the weak development of social interaction, behaviour, and communication.

The social interaction is a normal part of the development of humans but an autistic individual cannot interact. The child has an abnormal behaviour pattern which includes:

• Poor eye contact.
• Abnormal body postures and facial expressions.
• Lack of interest in activities.
• They are poor in making relationships and remain isolated.
• In most severe cases they remain unaware of the presence of other persons around.


Homeopathic medicines do not act on any one particular organ of the individual. Homeopathic medicines have a much DEEPER and central action on PSYCHO – ENDOCRINOLOGICAL, and PSYCHO – IMMUNOLOGICAL axis. Homeopathic medicines work well to improve the autistic child but EVERY CHILD IS SPECIAL and THEY NEED SPECIAL CARE.

Homeopathic medicines help to improve motor skills as well as enhance their perceptual difficulties.

Behavior modification through homeopathic medicines has been well-documented. Homeopathic medicines also help in behavior adjustment to reduce the child’s hyperactivity, irritability, or the urge for violence.

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The role of Baryta – carb in autism required a special mention:

• The child cannot fix his attention.
• He is late in learning to talk and walk, not from the weakness of bone.
• The child does not want to play but sit listlessly in the corner.
• In adolescence this issue in dwarfishness a stunt condition of mind and body.


It is another wonderful homeopathic medicine for an autistic child

• The weakness of mind, memory, and senses are observed.
• Spasms of the chest are observed which ends in crying of the child.
• The weakness of digestion and flatulence might also be present in an Anacardium child.


Tuberculinum is an affecting medicine.

• Child is full of anger and headstrong.
• Destructive in nature try to break things.
• Grinding of teeth in sleep can be observed.
• Delayed dentition and sometimes the child cries and talks in sleep.


Kali Brom works well where: –

• Child has extreme pallor and anemia with dilated pupils and acne of face and forehead.
• Offensive breath with dry mouth and lips.
• Breathlessness on slight exertion with cold hands and feet.
• Loss of memory and words.
• Screaming and trembling in sleep.


It is well indicated if other medicines fail in the case of autism.

• Children of carcinosin are restless with a destructive out bust but will not cry.
• The tendency to insomnia is common with a frequent tantrum of a child.
• Fear of being humiliated or punished can be seen but disobedient in nature.
• Aversion to play with repetition of action.


The final prescription of the medicines depends upon the proper case study of the case.


• The best way to keep the child from falling ill is to build their natural defence immunity with HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINES.
• Homeopathic medicines help build up immunity and prevent the child from recurrent infections.
• Homeopathic medicines are safe and effective for children.
• Homeopathic medicines are easy to administer.
• Sweet in taste.
• The medicines are essentially safe and non-toxic.

Must Read: Identify Autism in your Child by Observing these Symptoms!

For more information, you can visit WebMD and AutismSpeaks.

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