Does Your Child Still Wet The Bed?

Don’t despair, if your teen is still wetting his bed at night. Bed wetting or nocturnal enuresis is a common problem that can last well up to the age of 14-years and is more common in boys than girls.

still wets bed

The exact cause of nocturnal enuresis is not known. Various factors that may be responsible for nocturnal enuresis are listed below.

• The small bladder is unable to hold the urine produced at night.
• If the nerves that control the urinary bladder mature slowly they are unable to recognize the full bladder.
• Some children do not produce enough anti-diuretic hormones (ADH) that are necessary to slow the production of nighttime urine.
• Stress may trigger the incidence of bed wetting.
• Consuming drinks and food that contains caffeine like chocolate, cola, coffee or tea.
• Chronic constipation is more likely to cause the problem of bedwetting, because large stool in the rectum may put pressure on the bladder.
• Urinary tract infection or diabetes also may be responsible for nocturnal enuresis.

[su_heading size=”20″]Here are a few ways that might help:[/su_heading]

1) Limit fluid intake before bedtime

Try to limit the amount of fluid intake your child consumes before bed, which will ensure that his/her bladder isn’t working too hard during the night. Forget not to, encourage your child to take enough fluid throughout the day to stay well hydrated.

2) Use the bathroom before bed

Remind your child to use the bathroom before going to bed as emptying the bladder before sleep reduces the chances of bedwetting.

3) Try a bed-wetting alarm.

Bed-wetting alarms have moisture sensors which make a beeping sound when your child began to wet the bed. The sound wakes your teen so he/she can get up to use the restroom. If used consistently, this technique helps your teen learn to recognize a full bladder before bedwetting.

4) Cut back on caffeine.

Caffeine increases urine production, so it is better to cut off the caffeine intake including coffee, tea, carbonated drinks, energy drinks, and cocoa before bedtime.

5) Check out bowel movements.

It is better to check out a bowel movement if your child has constipation or irregular bowels it can hinder effective bladder voiding. So, it is better to cure this complaint to ensure the avoidance of night flows.

6) Ensure easy access to the bathroom

When dealing with young children disabled or mentally impaired individuals not getting to the bathroom in time is the only simple issue. Hence providing easy and safe access to toileting will help such as clear the path between room and bathroom, use night lamps, bedside commode, etc.

7) Try wearable protection

Until your child is getting trained or cured of bedwetting issues, you can keep their skin and beds dry with wearable protection such as pads, youth or adult diapers, and absorbent underwear.

8) Consult your doctor

Talk to your child doctor who can find out if there is any medical condition behind bedwetting and get started with the medications.

9) Homeopathy Treatment

Homeopathy can help in treating your child’s complaint in the safest, gentle and effective way. There are several medicines available to treat bedwetting in Homeopathy such as Causticum, Kreosote, Equisetum, etc. But the exact selection of medicine depends upon the detailed case taking of the individual patient.

If your child is suffering from bedwetting, pay attention to it ASAP, and get in touch with us. Here at Dr.Thind’s Homeopathy Clinic, effective and complete treatment is provided for children’s of all ages and adults to cure this disease permanently.

For more information, you can visit WebMD and NAFC.

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