7 Bad Effects of Skipping Your Breakfast

We are so busy in our daily life, we forget that our health is the most important thing. We often hear about breakfast being the most important meal of the day but why? How by eat something, even a small meal can make a difference to your day?

“Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper”, stands true today as well.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Most of the people around the world tend to skip breakfast, and take lunch as the first meal of the day. Breakfast means “break a fast” because our body does not consume anything after dinner till we wake up the next morning. So, we need to have breakfast to energize our body.

What happens to our body if we are in routine of skipping breakfast:

Skipping breakfast have a higher incidence of hardened arteries, which in results linked to poor heart health, Regularly skipping breakfast can make you more susceptible to risk of heart disease, obesity, high blood pressure, headaches, high cholesterol and diabetes. which lead to a heart attack over time.

Eat breakfast are more associated with an ideal body weight and good health. People who skip breakfast are more obese than people who eat something in the morning, early meal encourage your body to burn more calories and avoid craving for food throughout the day.

When you skip breakfast, your body stops working as fast due to lack of energy. Breakfast is the first meal when you’re ‘breaking the fast’ from sleep.

Eat breakfast will experience you more energy all day and be in a better mood. breakfast boosts metabolism, reduces fatigue and promotes better concentration and performance.

When you skip breakfast, your immunity decreases because fasting damage the cells. So, body needs to be energize regularly to maintain healthy levels of immune cells which fight against infections and improve the action of fighter cells (T-cells) in the body.

If female consistently skipped breakfast, she may probably having more menstrual irregularities, painful periods with irregular menstrual bleeds.

Eating breakfast helps restore glycogen and stabilizes levels of insulin. If you don’t eat breakfast, it causes insulin resistance that makes you more hungry, cranky, and fatigued throughout the day.

Bad breath is a huge morning problem, it will get worse when you skip breakfast. Breakfast helps to scrub your tongue from bacteria, stop the growth of bacteria which can make your morning breath more tolerable.

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