Homoeopathy works wonders in pregnancy

Pregnancy is a wonderful gift given by god to every woman. It is a combination of pain with immense pleasure. Pregnancy a major milestone in women’s life in which she has to pass various physiological and psychological changes.

Homoeopathic medicines not only preserve the health of mother and child but it also helps in every stage of pregnancy till childbirth and breastfeeding.


During pregnancy

Diseases like hypertension, gestational diabetes, asthma, thyroid troubles, and hyperemesis gravidarum are affecting women of today era a lot. In such cases not only mother is affected but health of child is also disturbed. Homoeopathic medicines are not only effective for treatment of these conditions but are without any side effects to the child.

During labor

If Homoeopathic medicines are taken prior to labor it helps in easy labor.

For example for irregular contractions Kali Carbonicum is wonderful remedy.
If cervix fails to dilate Caulophyllum is best remedy. It helps rigid cervix to relax and open.
If contractions get weaken and cease Gelsemium will help to maintain energy in woman and combat weakness.

Amniotic fluid imbalance: – if amniotic fluid is too much or too little then Natrum Muriaticum is the remedy which helps in balancing water. It is a salt and helps to maintain salt water balance.

Breech presentation of child:- if the fetus is in breech presentation then without doing any painful procedure homoeopathic medicine Pulsatilla helps in rotation of the fetus in right direction hence making labor easier without going for c-section.

Homoeopathic role in caesarian delivery

How to prevent dangerous bleedings during cesarean delivery with homoeopathic remedies. If Arnica is given before surgery then it helps in reducing bleeding, also helps in preventing blood from making pool under the skin.

Homeopathic medicines are not only effective in complications during before and after labor but are also safe and without any side effects.

It is recommended that before taking any medication do consult homoeopathic physician. Never do self medications as every case has its own remedy.


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