Exercise for the sake of your heart

Heart is a muscle that pumps blood around the body. It needs exercise to stay fit and perform its task efficiently. If we are not physically active our body loses strength and ability to function well.

Beneficial effects of exercise on health:

In the busy life of today giving just 30 minutes to ourselves for exercise is very important. Not only heart but overall health gets benefits of exercise. Read the following points how exercise improves our health:

• Health of our heart improves.

• Risk factor for heart disease reduces.

• Working capacity of heart improves.

• Risk factor for development of diabetes and high blood pressure reduces.

• Weight and body fat remains under control.

• Muscles, bones and joints remain healthy.

• Ability to perform daily activities improves without getting tired.

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Exercises those are good for heart:

• Brisk walk: natural way to improve your fitness is brisk walking. While brisk walking wear comfortable, supportive shoes.

• Running: if you are a beginner, start with brisk walk and run 1 to 2 minutes after every 5 minutes of walk. Gradually increase the minutes of running day by day until you don’t need to walk in between.

• Swimming: swimming is a very good choice of exercise if you cannot run or brisk walk because of your joint problems.

• Cycling: in addition to strengthening the muscles cycling also tone the lower body.

• Skipping rope: this is also a very good exercise for our heart health.


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