Natural way to cure cold

A cold is an upper respiratory infection caused by different viruses. The bodies rely on its own natural defenses. Headache, stuffy nose, cough, fever, itchy eyes, sore throat and muscle aches are the symptoms of common cold. Here are some natural ways to cure cold:

Drink plenty of water – Drink plenty of fluids. Fluids may help to thin the mucus which keeping it flowing freely and make it easier for the body to expel along with viral particles trapped within it .Water and other liquids combat dehydration. So drink at least 10-15 glasses of water per day.

Bed rest – Take the rest properly when you are suffering from cold. Taking rest giving you recovery from cold.

Chicken Soup – Chicken soup help to recover from cold. It is one of the most beneficial hot fluids when you have a cold. It’s the fumes in the soup that release the mucus in the nose and help the body to fight against its viral invaders. Chicken soup also contains cysteine which is good at thinning mucus. The soup provides easily to absorbed the nutrients.

Honey – Honey is very good for cough problem. Some people using honey as cough syrup.

Salt – The inflammation and swelling in the nose during a cold is caused by cytokines which are made by the body as it fights the infection. Washing away these molecules can reduce swelling. Use saline water to clean the nasal area. You can use the salt water to gargle for sore throat. Salt is an astringent which help to relieve a painful throat.

Tea – A cup of hot tea loosens the nasal passage and makes the stuffy nose feel better. Ginger tea is helpful in cold.

Pepper – Eating hot and spicy foods clear up the mucus and ease the stuffy nose. • Vaporize and moisturize – The steam from a vaporizer can loosen mucus, especially if the mucus is thick .A humidifier will add moisture which keep the nasal tissue moist. People who used sesame oil had 80 % improvement in the nasal dryness.

Vitamin C – It help to boost the immune system and reduce the length and severity of symptoms. The RDA for men and women age 15 and older is 60 mg.

Zinc – It helps the immune cells to fight against cold and may ease the cold symptoms.

Garlic – Garlic supplements help to prevent cold when taken daily. It has germ fighting abilities.

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