Smoking Is Injurious to Health – So Quit Smoking!

Smoking is one of the most common forms of recreational drug use. The most common method of smoking today is through cigarette. Smoking includes pipes ,cigars ,biddies, hookahs etc.

• Why smoking is addictive?
Nicotine is the main drug in tobacco. Our brain quickly adapts to nicotine and develops a tolerance for it. Cigarette release the brain chemicals i.e. nor epinephrine and dopamine. If the brain releases these chemicals too much, the brain chemistry will unbalanced and release “anti –nicotine” chemicals when you smoke. These “anti –nicotine” chemicals make you feel down, depressed and tired if you not smoking.

Disease caused by smoking:–

1) Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

2)Chronic Bronchitis

3)Cardiovascular disease

4)Lung  Cancer

5)Sexual problems

6)Rheumatoid arthritis

7)Dementia and neurologic disease

8)Female infertility and pregnancy – Cigarette smoking is linked to reproductive health. Women who smoke pose a greater danger to their reproductive health. If they smoke or affected from smoking during pregnancy the risk include the following :-

• greater risk for infertility in women
• greater risk for ectopic pregnancy and miscarriage.
• greater risk for stillbirth, prematurity and low –birth weight.
• It reduces folate levels, Vit –B that prevent from birth defects.

9) Raises blood pressure

10) Worsens asthma

11) Stains the teeth and gums.

12) causes an acid taste in the mouth

13) Causes paler skin and tend to develop more wrinkles on face.

14) Increases the risk of developing various other conditions like dementia, optic neuropathy, cataract, macular degeneration, pulmonary fibrosis, psoriasis, gum disease, tooth loss, osteoporosis and Raynaud’s phenomenon.

15) Develop degenerative disorders and injuries in the spine.


• How passive smoking is harmful?

Children and babies who live in a home where there is a smoker : –

• Are prone to asthma and ear, nose and chest infection.

• On average do less in reading and reasoning skills compared with children in smoke free homes.

• Are at increased risk of developing COPD and cancer as adults.

What are the benefits of stopping smoking?

• If you reduce smoking the risk of getting serious disease no matter what age you give up. However the sooner you stop, the greater the reduction in the risk.

• If you stop smoking before the age of 35, your life expectancy is only slightly less than people who have never smoke.

• If you stop smoking before the age 50 , you decrease the risk of dying from smoking related disease by 50%

• Chest infection and colds become less frequent.

• Foods and drinks taste and smell much better.

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