Estrogen Hormone In Women

What is estrogen?

Estrogen is mainly a female hormone that is important for sexual and reproductive development. Secondary sexual characteristics that are developed by estrogen hormone are pubic and armpit hair, breasts, regulation of menstrual cycle and formation of endometrium.

Estrogen hormone includes estriol, estradiol and estrone.

  • During pregnancy placenta makes estriol.
  • Developing ovarian follicles produces hormone estradiol. Estradiol is the primary sex hormone in females in childbearing age.
  • Estrone is the major type of estrogen hormone that is present after menopause throughout the body.

What is the normal value of estrogen in females?:

Level of estrogen hormone fluctuates during menstrual cycle,menopause and pregnancy. Normal level of estrogen hormone is 40-50 pg/ml.

  • During mensturation level of estradiol is 45 picograms/milliliter. During ovulation the level of estradiol rises to 400 pg/ml but quickly falls thereafter.
  • Estrogen level can rise 100 times higher during pregnancy, fluctuates and rapidly decline after giving birth to child.
  • After menopause if women does not take hormonal replacement therapy then level of estrogen declines to 10-20 pg/ml.

After menopause it is necessary to maintain estrogen level at 40-50pg/ml as it is a must for bone health and also to avoid hot flashes.

Which conditions causes estrogen level to rise?

• Cancer
• Liver disease
• A pregnancy with more than one fetus, such as twins or triplets.
• Early puberty.

Which conditions causes estrogen level to fall?

• Hypogonadism
• Hypopituitarism
• Pregnancy failure
• Menopause
• Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)
• Anorexia nervosa (eating disorder)
• Extreme exercise or training

What role does estrogen plays in female reproductive system?

Ovaries: growth of egg follicle is stimulated by estrogen hormone.

Vagina: estrogen is responsible for growth of vagina to adult size, increase of vaginal acidity, thickening of vaginal wall. Vaginal acidity helps in reducing bacterial infections.

Fallopian tubes: estrogen hormone makes the muscular wall of fallopian tubes thick and is also responsible for its contractions to transport the egg and sperm cells.

Uterus: uterus is lined by a mucous membrane called endometrium, estrogen hormone is responsible for enhancement and maintenance of endometrium. Estrogen helps in developing uterine muscle and stimulates its contractions. Uterine contractions helps the uterus to cast off dead tissues during menstruation, helps in delivery of baby and voiding placenta after delivery.

Cervix: the flow and thickness of mucous secretions in cervix is regulated by estrogen hormone.

Mammary glands: estrogen plays a significant role in development of breast. It is responsible for growth of breast during puberty, pigmentation of nipples and cessation of floe of milk.


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