8 Monsoon Tips to Stay Healthy

The monsoons are the season of excitement, fun and greenery, it welcomes change from the sweltering summer heat. After having the cool splash of monsoon rain, there are some flaws and negative effects from which we need to protect our self. Yes, we are talking about the health problems that usually come along with pleasant rains. The rainy season is a host of infections and mostly related to respiratory infections, skin diseases and fungal infections, food, water borne diseases and increases the risk of mosquito transmitted infections, such as malaria and dengue fever.

So, in order to stay healthy and happy in the monsoons, we must take following precautions during rainy season:

The highly humid monsoon weather cause our digestion process to slow down, it is advised not to consume fast food and the snacks from the roadside stalls, avoid drinking water from any source other than sealed bottles or boil your drinking water, avoid raw, leafy vegetables and salads, if need to consume than wash and clean them thoroughly.

During the monsoons, stagnant water will be most important concern to pay attention at your home and outside, stagnant water will give rise to mosquitoes, parasites borne diseases like malaria and dengue, throw away the water inside the unused tank, flower pots as well as water coolers and clean them thoroughly. Also don’t forget to place mosquito net or a repellent when you are asleep at night.

Take a shower as soon as you reach home will help you against infections caused by the build-up of sweat and dirt due to humidity along with other toxins, on the surface of the skin.

Touching eyes especially with dirty hands can cause Eye infections like conjunctivitis, stye, dry eyes and corneal ulcers. These are common eye infections during the monsoons. This can lead to blindness if ignored, it may cause redness, itching or irritation.

Avoid walking through rainy water as it can lead to numerous fungal diseases of the feet and heels. Dry your feet whenever they get wet. Don’t continue to wear wet socks or wet shoes. Trim your toe nails to avoid dust accumulation in it.

Water intake will help you drain toxins from your body and may reduce chances of allergies or infections naturally. It is good to drink plenty of water without waiting for being thirsty. Herbal teas with antibacterial properties are a good idea.

Accumulated water is a breeding ground for insects in monsoons especially for malaria or dengue fever. Try to wear or carry a mosquito repellent. It is often helpful to use spray repellents on outer clothing as well as the skin.

The monsoon give rise to the growth of bacteria . If you have been out and get caught by rain, wash your hands with antiseptic soap when you come back home.Use sanitizer if you have to stay out for a long time.

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