7 Reasons Why you Gain Weight Before and During Periods

weight gain before and during periods

1) Premenstrual Syndrome

Premenstrual syndrome starts one or two weeks before period and its most common symptoms are food cravings, bloating anxiety, and depression which results in increased hunger and cravings for salty and sugary foods. As a result, by the end of the PMS phase, you might have gained about 5 pounds.

2) Food cravings

Overeating and increased craving for food can be the other reasons for weight gain before and during periods. as progesterone level increases and oestrogen level decreases before period it leads to an increase in appetite. Low levels of oestrogen further lead to low serotonin levels that increase your cravings for high sugary foods such as candy chocolates pastries etc. making you gain those extra pounds.

3) Water retention

Hormonal changes during periods lead to water retention which causes swelling or puffiness in extremities, stomach and breast. This causes you to gain a those few extra pounds of water weight but not fat. Need not to worry as this weight is temporary and your body will go back to normal once your periods are over.

4) Less activity

You tend to skip your workout sessions a week before and during menstruation. Both progesterone and oestrogen levels rise before periods leading to low endurance and fatigue which make it uncomfortable for you to exercise. All these skipped workouts plus the increased food craving contributes to weight gain.

5) Bloating

Bloating is described as a feeling of tightness or swelling in your stomach or any other parts of your body because of which you might feel like you have gained but that’s not a true weight gain. During your period, hormonal changes can cause an increase in gas formation in your gastrointestinal (GI) tract and cause bloating which continues for the first few days of menstruation.

6) Low levels of magnesium

Magnesium levels in your body fall down just before your menstruation began leading to low insulin levels and dehydration. This leads to food cravings especially high sugar food, which contributes to weight gain before and during periods.

7) GIT problems

Gut problems like constipation, indigestion and bloating are quite common before menstruation all thanks to hormonal changes that cause slow digestion process. When the digestive system is not functioning properly, the metabolism slows down resulting in storage of everything you consume as fat.

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