7 Natural Ways to Defeat Allergies

An allergy is an immune system response to a foreign substance that’s not typically harmful to your body. Find out the ways to defeat allergies.

Symptoms of allergies include itching in eyes and skin, sneezing, nasal obstruction, wheezing, and rash. Seasonal allergies occur from grass, weed, tree pollen, or molds. Cat and dog dander allergies are common. Food allergies are also common include peanut or milk.

defeat allergies

Each time you walk into your home, you bring small pieces of the outside world with you. After being outdoors, your clothes, shoes, hair, and skin are covered with tiny particles from everywhere you’ve been. Take a shower and change your clothes to wash away any allergens. Leave your shoes at the door, too.

It’ll keep your allergens away from getting into your airways when you can’t avoid certain allergy triggers, like when you work in your yard or vacuum. Allergic patient should wear a mask in a crowded or smoky area.

Children who ate lots of fresh vegetables, fruits, and nuts — particularly grapes, apples, oranges, and tomatoes — had less allergy symptoms. But there’s no doubt that a healthy diet is good for your whole body.

Nasal rinse cleans mucus from your nose and can ease allergy symptoms. It also throws away bacteria and thin mucus and cut down on postnasal drip.

If you feel stuffy or have postnasal drip due to allergies, sip more water, juice, or other nonalcoholic drinks. The extra liquid may thin the mucus in your nasal passages and give you some relief. Warm fluids like teas or soup have an added benefit.

Inhalation steam eases a stuffy nose and helps you breathe easier. Hold your head over a steamer (but not too hot) and place a towel over your head to trap the steam. Or a person can sit in the bathroom with a hot shower running.

Smoking can worsen your runny, itchy, stuffy nose and watery eyes. Choose smoke-free restaurants, nightclubs, and hotel rooms. Avoid other fumes that can make your symptoms worse, too, like aerosol sprays and smoke from wood-burning fireplaces.

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