7 Harmful Effects of Alcohol On Our Body

How alcohol is bad for health? What can alcohol do to our body? Read some harmful effects of alcohol on the human body.

Alcohol have a straight way affect our brain, after few seconds it takes our senses away, makes us unconscious and our brain cells slow down in sending messages. It alters our mood, slow down our understanding, weakens our alertness, causes forgetfulness or even we can not think in a straight way. Addiction of alcohol can cause dependency of an individual or become difficult to withdraw.

harmful effects of alcohol

Excess alcohol can cause the brain to shrink and have a great effect on thinking ability, slow learning and increases the habit of forgetfulness and control our movements.

Alcohol makes us drowsy and sleepy for a while but once it affects goes off it unable us to sleep well, and leaves us by turning side by side whole the night and affect the sleep.

Alcohol flares up the gastric complaints and causes enough acid, nausea, and vomiting. Prolong alcohol intake may cause gastric ulcers, decrease the appetite which in results leads to weight loss and lack of nutrients in alcohol drinkers.

Alcohol irritates our intestine or colon and decreases the normal movement of food through digestive tracts which and can lead to diarrhoea. Heartburn is also caused by alcohol intake.

Alcohol intake for long duration makes the liver fatty, limits the blood flow, causes cirrhosis of the liver, hepatitis with other health complaints like ascitis.

Alcohol causes inflammation of the pancreas and stops its process of working and can lead to serious harm. Pancreas helps to make insulin which helps intestine to breakdown food but excess alcohol intake for long periods can cause a decrease in insulin-making which in results leads to diabetes and also raises the risk of pancreatic cancer.

Having alcohol increases the pressure of urine and increase the urge to pass the urine which in results makes you pass urine more often and causes load on kidney and this toxic effect slow down the functioning of kidneys.

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