6 Simple Activities to Reduce Stammering

Stammering or commonly known as stuttering are caused due to an interruption to the flow of speech. A person with stammering speech tried so hard to speak properly as they are tense. In this article, we have listed seven simple activities to reduce stammering.

reduce stammering

Adopt a positive attitude generally, because an assertive attitude with controlled techniques will improve our speech faster.

Some activities that might help to reduce stammering:
Pronounce the vowels loudly and clearly, try to repeat the sentence by using the words which are difficult to speak. While uttering a vowel every time, distort face strongly.

Deep breathing exercises are very effective. Take a deep breathe it will improve your anxiety also and helps to speak the words clearly.

It is considered a very good exercise for stammering. Singing helps in control of breathing and muscles that are helpful in speech improvement.

Try to do some yoga to improve your speech, it may also help for overall health.

Prefer speed of reading to the quality of speech. By continuing this exercise for 2-3 months, will helps in relaxing muscular tension and corrects all obstruction of speech.

Take your time to speak rather than rushing. Avoid forcing the words as it makes them harder to say. Speak slowly to clear the words and to clear the speech.

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