5 Reasons Breastfeeding is the Best Feeding

Breast milk is considered as the best food for a baby during life’s first year. Breastfed babies are healthier than the ones who don’t take breastfeed, they have more health problems than the babies having mother’s feed. Read this article to know the wonderful benefits of breastfeeding.

Mother’s feed can help to protect their baby from many illnesses. It is good to provide breastfeeding to a child for at least 6 months, it helps in the growth of the baby.


Here we have listed few benefits of Breastfeeding:
Breast milk consist of protein, sugar, fat, and vitamins which helps in healthy growth of the baby, it has an antibody that helps to protect baby from many illnesses, fight off infection. Breastfeed child has fewer chances of Asthma, overweight, ear, lung or urinary tract infection.

It is easy to digest the mother’s milk. Gastric complaints are less noted in a baby having breastfed, they have less gas or abdominal colic problems.

Breast milk is considered as the best food for a baby. A child gets exactly what they need at a time. It has Colostrum, that provides nutrients and antibodies, which is needed by a child in the first few days of life.

Breast milk is always ready when it is needed by a child, it has already the perfect temperature for baby and no heating is required

Breast milk is a chemical-free food for a child whereas few babies get bottled milk and plastic of the bottles consist of certain germs or dust.

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