5 Homeopathic medicines for IBS

IBS is a common intestinal disease that is caused mainly due to abnormal communication between the nervous system and the bowel muscles along with stress, infections, and poor dietary habits. There is sharp pain along with constipation and diarrhea.

IBS affects one’s both professional and personal life. So, Homeopathy offers treatment as it treats mind and body connections. Homeopathy thus attempts to treat the stress coping system of the body and intestinal hypersensitivity which are mainly affected in IBS.

The commonly used homeopathic remedies for IBS are Lycopodium, Nux vomica, Podophyllum, Asafoetida, and Argentum nirticum.


This remedy is often indicated in people with bowel discomfort and food intolerance. Bloating in the abdomen and a feeling of fullness are presented after every meal due to which a large amount of gas is produced. Pain in the stomach and heartburn are commonly present and thus get worse from 4-8 pm and get better by passing the wind. Despite the digestive tract troubles, appetite is changeable as there can be ravenous hunger or satiety after a few mouth-Fulls.

Nux Vomica:

This remedy is indicated in people with abdominal pains and bowel problems accompanied by a stressful lifestyle. There is acid reflux and severe stomach cramps which are aggravated by mental exertion. Weight and pain in the stomach which gets worse after eating. Flatulent distension with spasmodic colic but with difficult belching of gas. Constipation with frequent ineffectual urging with constant uneasiness in the rectum.


This remedy chiefly affects the duodenum, small intestines, liver, and rectum. There is gastroenteritis with colicky pain and bilious vomiting. Diarrhea of long-standing which is painless and fetid. Constipation is present when stool is hard and clay-colored. Constipation usually alternates with diarrhea. 


The most marked symptom of this remedy is flatulence and reverse peristalsis of the stomach as well as esophagus with a feeling of constriction all along the digestive tract. There is flatulence and regurgitation of liquids. The abdomen is inflated and there is difficulty to pass gas in either direction. There is pain when constipated and diarrhea can be explosive and there can be regurgitation of small amounts of food as well.

Argentum Nitricum:

The remedy is indicated when digestive issues come along with anxiety and nervousness. Diarrhea is presented immediately after eating or drinking and after any emotion with flatulence. Belching accompanies most of gastric issues. Painful spot over the stomach region and pain is radiated throughout the abdomen. 

For more information, you can visit Healthline and Mayoclinic.

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