5 Health Benefits of Drinking Alcohol

Excess alcohol drinking is not healthy but recent studies have shown that mild to moderate alcohol intake is beneficial for health. It should be noted that alcohol consumption and its benefits differ based on every individual’s body type and their constitution. Read this article till the end to find out the benefits of drinking alcohol.

benefits of drinking alcohol

Following are the few benefits of alcohol which have been mentioned in recent studies:

1. It is known to lower the Risk of Cardiovascular Disease

It is said that mild to moderate consumption of alcohol causes vasodilation which helps in cardiovascular disease.

2. It Can Improve Your Libido

If alcohol is consumed in excess it has a reverse effect but if consumed in mild to moderate quantity of alcohol can help as an aphrodisiac as it stimulates the pituitary and releases dopamine which releases feel-good hormone temporarily which helps stimulate libido.

3. It Helps Prevent Against the Common Cold

As per Spanish researchers, red wine drinkers who consumed 14 glasses per week were less prone to the common cold.
4. It Can Decrease Chances of Developing Dementia

A small quantity of alcohol might make brain cells more fit. Alcohol in moderate amounts causes stress in cells and thus this causes them to toughen up to cope with major stresses down the road that could cause dementia.

5. Lowers the Chance of Diabetes

The healthy adults who drink one or two glasses per day have a decreased chance of developing type 2 diabetes, in comparison to those who do not consume at all.

“Excess consumption of alcohol is very harmful to health”
1. To be safe, don’t drink and drive.
2. Excessive drinking is harmful to you and others.
3. Drinking is prohibited if under 18 years old.
4. Humungous quantity intake of alcohol product in a short period of time is lethal.
5. Pregnant women and children should not drink at all.


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