5 Best Remedies for Vaginal Yeast Infection


remedies for vaginal yeast infection

Vaginal yeast infection is the most common vaginal infection caused by Candida albicans (a type of fungus). It is also known as vulvovaginal candidiasis, candidal vaginitis, yeast vaginitis.

Causes of vaginal yeast infection-

A healthy vagina normally contains a balanced mix of certain good bacteria and yeast cells. The fungus Candida albicans is mostly responsible for most vaginal yeast infections. Candida normally lives inside different body areas like mouth, gut, and vagina skin without causing any symptoms. Good bacteria (lactobacillus bacteria) prevent the overgrowth of yeast infection within the vagina.

If there is any disruption in the balance, candida starts to grow at a higher rate, causing the signs and symptoms of yeast infection like itching, swelling, and irritation of the vagina.

Numerous causes for disruption in the balance between yeast cells and good bacteria are as follows-

• Hormonal changes, like during pregnancy, menopause, or intake of oral- contraceptive pills.
• Antibiotics, which decrease the number of good bacteria in the vagina
• Sexual contact with an infected person
• Poor hygiene or poor socio-economic conditions
• A weak immune system, such as infected with HIV
• Uncontrolled diabetes or intake of sugary food

Role of homeopathic medicines for vaginal yeast infection-

• Homeopathic medicines are made from natural substances, which Raise the body’s immunity and helps to remove the disease from its root.
• When the immune system gets strongly empowered with Homeopathic remedies, the flourishing of fungus in the vagina stops. As the fungus growth gradually declines, the symptoms also start decreasing.
• Conventional treatment usually prescribes anti-fungal medications or suppositories, for yeast infections. These medicines temporarily decrease the number of yeast cells within the vagina, but they do not increase the body’s good microorganisms, nor do they protect the body from future yeast infections.
• Antibiotics treatment may also kill the good microorganisms present in the vagina, allowing yeast to grow significantly, creating a yeast infection.
• Homeopathic medicines are safe to use, without any side effects, and also prevent future re-occurrence of the disease.

Homeopathy is one of the most effective treatments in case of yeast infection. Commonly used homeopathic medicines for vaginal yeast infection are-

1. Pulsatilla- White, yellow, or greenish bland vaginal discharge with vaginal soreness. The labia may itch or burn. The woman will be moody, weeps easily, with a desire for attention and affection. This remedy is helpful for vaginitis during pregnancy

2. Kreosotum- the discharge is watery, thin, unpleasant-smelling, very irritating that makes the vulva swell and itch. The discharge is worse in the morning and upon standing. Vaginitis usually appears before the menstrual period or during pregnancy.

3. Borax- A burning vaginal discharge which is the color of egg whites, with a feeling that warm water is flowing out. It is useful for vaginitis that occurs midway between menstrual periods.

4. Calcarea carb- Discharge is thick yellow or milky, which tends to cause intense itching or burning, both before and after the menstrual period. A person is usually overweight, fair-skinned women have a craving for sweets, and is easily tired by exertion.

5. Sepia- Vaginal discharge is white, milky, offensive, itchy, and burning discharge. The discharge gets profuse in the morning and while walking. There is a sensation of uncomfortable pressure and heaviness in the vaginal area.

Also Read: Vaginal Yeast Infection

For more information, you can visit Healthline and NCBI.

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