10 Effective Tips to Keep your Liver Healthy

What foods are good for liver repair? How to keep your liver healthy? How do you strengthen your liver? Read to know ten effective tips to keep your liver healthy.

liver healthy

Its true whatever we eat it affects our body, especially our liver.  The liver is the powerhouse of the body.

When our liver is unhealthy, it affects our entire body, your immunity become weak as your immune system helps you fight against disease.

What you eat, drink and expose to your body is chemically broken down by your liver and affects your immune system and many other body functions.

Healthy Diet Tips for Hepatitis C and any liver disease:

1. Eating foods all food groups in healthy portions such as whole grains, lean proteins, low -fat dairy, fruits, vegetables and healthy fats.
2. Eating foods with high fiber such as fresh fruits, vegetables, lentils, beans and whole grains are healthy foods for your liver.
3. Eat healthy balanced diet, but eat lean proteins from poultry, fish, and plant based proteins.
4. Avoid red meat due to this is harder and takes longer for your system to break it down, plus it can contribute to bloating.
5. Avoid uncooked shellfish such as oysters and clams or other uncooked meats.
6. Limit foods and drinks that are high in sugar and salt. High sodium diet and eating too much protein causes fluid retention and can lead to excess toxins in blood.
7. Avoid eating high fatty foods.
8. Avoid eating fried or processed foods.
10. Drink plenty of pure water, filtered if possible Avoid Alcohol.It will increases damage.


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