10 Best foods for IBS

These are the foods that you should eat if you have IBS:


Turmeric contains a potent active ingredient curcumin, which has antimicrobial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties. The anti-bacterial activity may help reduce the harmful bacteria in the gut. 


It contains a digestive enzyme called bromelain, which has an anti-oxidant property. Bromelain improves digestion by breaking down proteins. 


Ginger has a natural component gingerol which benefits gastrointestinal motility. Eating ginger enhances digestion so food doesn’t linger as long in the GIT.  


There are two types of bacteria: Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium along with one good yeast in probiotics – Saccharomyces boulardii. They help in managing IBS by balancing the good bacteria in the gut. They help in fighting inflammation and heal the gut wall. A good source of probiotics is yogurt and fermented foods like kimchi, tempeh, and kombucha. Choose probiotics according to your symptoms and in the required amount.  


Strawberries are rich in fiber and thus make the stool pass easily through the gut. Also, they come under low FODMAPs food and are good for IBS patients. 


Kiwi offers alternatives to traditional laxatives and improves consistency and frequency. It has a high water-holding capacity and thus offers more volume to the stool, helping with stool softening.


Lettuce contains a high amount of nutrients and a specific type of sugar that is necessary for the growth of healthy gut bacteria. They have anti-inflammatory properties due to vitamins A, C, and K.


An egg is a standard protein and easily digestible. They are one of the best anti-inflammatory foods. If you’re dealing with diarrhea, eggs decrease the frequency of stools.

White chicken

Chicken is rich in proteins and free from fermentable sugar, thus healthy for the gut when cooked properly.


It plays an anti-inflammatory role in the body. Eating more omega-3s may help in reducing inflammation. These are easily digestible. The sources may include:

  • Salmon
  • Trout

For more information, you can visit Healthline and Mayoclinic.

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