Embarrassed Due to Unusual Redness of Your Face?

One might feel anxious or embarrassed because of unusual look of the skin of their face. Here in this article we will discuss about rosacea and how you can relieve yourself from this condition. Rosacea can be a distressing condition.

Rosacea is a very common skin condition. People with fair skin are most commonly affected. In rosacea nose, cheeks chin and forehead appears red. In some cases little bumps or pimples appears on the red parts of face. Burning and soreness of eyes can also occur as a result of rosacea.


Rosacea worsens with the conditions that result in expansion of blood vessels of face. These conditions are called triggers for rosacea.

The triggers are:

• Exercise
• Exposure to sun and wind
• Hot weather
• Spicy food
• Alcohol
• Caffeine
• Hot bath
• Stress
• Menopause.
• Medications like vasodilators

Very rarely in severe cases complication can occur i.e. the oil glands in the nose and sometimes cheeks become enlarged and tissue builds up on and around the nose. This complication occurs in men over a period of years.

Self care measures:

• Use sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher.
• While going outdoors protect your face.
• Avoid frequent touching or rubbing your skin.
• Choose your skin products that are alcohol free and soap free cleansers.
• Avoid scented soaps.
• Use water based make-up.
• Apply aloe-Vera gel on face.
• Use rose water on face that is free of any other ingredient.

Suggestion about diet:

• High fiber diet
• Fresh fruit juices
• Avoid salt and sugar
• Cool your food slightly before eating it
• Eat vitamin C rich fruit
• Avoid fried food.
• Avoid spicy food, alcohol, hot drinks, and caffeine containing drinks as these causes flushing of face.

Best homeopathic remedies:

• Agaricus muscarius: this medicine is indicated when redness of face is prominent. Exposure to cold air aggravates the condition. Skin is cold to touch.

Belladonna: skin of face is red and flushed. Skin is hot to touch and appears shiny.

Carbo veg: skin of face is very cold to touch with bluish appearance and cold sweat.

Lachesis mutus: skin is hot to touch and appears purplish blue.

•Psorinum: acne is present along with redness. Skin condition gets worse from intake of coffee.

•Silicea:this medicine is indicated when pus containing acne is present.


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