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Guttate Psoriasis

What is Guttate Psoriasis? How to manage it? What are the precautions to be taken? What are the signs and symptoms? What is the cause of this disease? How to treat it? How can homeopathy help you? All of this answered, in this post and of course our doctors always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

guttate psoriasis

What guttate psoriasis is?

• Guttate psoriasis is a type of psoriasis that often starts in childhood or young adulthood up to 30 years of age.
• In this type of psoriasis, the lesions of guttate psoriasis appear on arms, legs and middle body trunk.

Who is more prone to Guttate psoriasis?

• This type of psoriasis is more common in children and adults.
• Mainly the 10 to 30 years of age group is more affected due to guttate psoriasis.
• Both girls and boys are equally affected.

What are the causes of guttate psoriasis?

• Family history

• Weakened immune system

• Rheumatoid arthritis

• Bacterial or viral infection of upper respiratory tract infection

• Injury to the skin, including cuts, burns and insect bites.

• Stress

• Sunburn

• Alcohol

• Medication such as malaria and heart medicines.

• Chemotherapy for cancer

What are the sign and symptoms of guttate psoriasis?

• Itching and spots on the skin

• The pink-red spot looks like a teardrop

• Spots covered with silver, flaky scales

• Spots on arms, legs, and the middle body

• Nail changes, such as pits and ridges

• Spots often appear after an illness, especially strep throat.

• Spots may clear up in a few weeks or months without treatment.

• Spots may appear where the person has plaque psoriasis.

How to investigate guttate psoriasis?

• Complete case history

• Physical examination

• Antibodies level test for Streptolysin O(ASO)

• A recent history of a sore throat or upper respiratory infection

• Throat culture

• Skin biopsy

How to treat psoriasis?

• Antibiotics

• Anti-itch remedies

• Anti-inflammatory cream

• Dandruff shampoo

• Lotions that contain coal tar

• Vitamin D or vitamin A supplements

• Immunosuppressant

• Sunlight helps but in a proper manner to avoid sunburns

• Phototherapy

Is guttate psoriasis curable?

The prognosis is good for mild to moderate cases after prompt and timely treatment, but if it’s at a chronic stage it can become a lifelong condition.

What are the complications of guttate psoriasis?

• Pain

• Secondary skin infection

• Severe itching

What is the differential diagnosis of guttate psoriasis?

• Nummular dermatitis

• Para – psoriasis

• Pityriasis lichenoides

• Pityriasis rosea

• Syphilis

• Tinea corporis

• Drug eruptions

• Lichen planus

How to prevent guttate psoriasis?

• Exercise

• Reduce stress

• Drink plenty of fluids

• Get enough sleep

• Avoid alcohol

• Quit smoking

• Use a moisturizer regularly

• Avoid scratching and picking lesions

• Apply cold compressions on itchy parts

• Use mild soaps and detergents

• Use neem leaves for bathing

• Always pat dry your skin, don’t rub

• Get in the sun, but not for long exposures as it can cause sunburn

• Wear cool and comfortable fabric such as cotton

• Use humidifiers to add moisture

Can homeopathic medicines help in guttate psoriasis?

Homeopathy medicines help symptomatically in the case of guttate psoriasis. Some of the homeopathic medicines which can help guttate psoriasis. These are:

• Arsenicum Album

• Kalium Arsenicosum

• Kalium Bromatum

• Graphites

• Petroleum

• Kalium Bromatum

• Graphites

• Petroleum

For more information, you can visit Wikipedia and eMedicine.

Guttate Psoriasis

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