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What is Glucagonoma? How to manage it? What are the precautions to be taken? What are the signs and symptoms? What is the cause of this disease? How to treat it? How can homeopathy help you? All of this answered, in this post and of course our doctors always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!


What is glucagonoma?

Glucagonoma is a very rare pancreatic tumor of the islet cells of pancreas, which release insulin and glucagon. Physiologically, glucagon is an important factor in controlling homeostasis of glucose and certain amino acids. It is also used to treat heart failure.

Age/sex prevalence of glucagonoma?

It mostly affects people age from 19-84 years, with a mean age of 55 years. Females are more likely to have Glucagonoma as compared to men.

What are the causes of glucagonoma?

The cause of glucagonoma pathology remains unknown, although some factors play an important a role are:

-Genetic factors

-Family history of Endocrine Neoplasia type 1 syndrome (MEN I)

What are the signs and symptoms of glucagonoma?

Following are the signs and symptoms of the glucagonoma:

-Glucose intolerance

-High blood sugar

-Increased appetite


-Excessive thirst

-Frequent urination

-Inflamed mouth and tongue

-Nocturnal urination

-Skin rash

-Rash on face, abdomen, buttock, feet

-Skin crusty or scaly

-Skin lesions filled with clear fluid and pus

-Weight loss

What happens when you have too much glucagon?

Too much of glucagon in the body results in diabete mellitus, weight loss, skin issues likes rashes, thrombosis.

What are the investigation for glucagonoma?

-Complete case history

-Physical examination

-CT scan

-Glucagon level in the blood

-Glucose level in blood

Treatment for glucagonoma?



Complications for glucagonoma?

-Liver cancer

-High blood sugar level

-Metabolic problems

-Tissue damage

What is the management for glucagonoma?

-Yoga and meditation help

-Take a balanced diet

-Quit smoking and alcohol

-Drink plenty of water during the day avoid excessive water intake during night

-Keep a close look on weight and consult doctor in case one observes drop in it.

What are the homeopathic remedies for glucagonoma?

-Cadmium sulphuratum

-Ceanothus americanus 


For more information, you can visit NCBI and eMedicine.


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