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What is Glossitis? How to manage it? What are the precautions to be taken? What are the signs and symptoms? What is the cause of this disease? How to treat it? How can homeopathy help you? All of this answered, in this post and of course our doctors always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!


What is Glossitis?

The condition in which tongue gets inflamed, smooth and red colored is called glossitis.

It is also known as smooth tongue or burning tongue syndrome.

Mild glossitis causes minor problems such as chewing, swallowing or speaking. If inflammation is severe it causes breathing troubles that is a medical emergency.

Long standing inflammation of tongue destroys the papillae of tongue. Function of papillae is to grip the food while chewing. It is present on the upper surface of the tongue and contains taste buds. Glossitis may occur as a result of various conditions such as anemia, pellagra, syphilis or nutritional deficiencies or glossitis may be a primary disease.

What are the causes of glossitis?

-Tongue injuries by biting on tongue by mistake or burning of tongue by hot drink or food causes glossitis.

-Poor oral hygiene can cause infection that results in glossitis.


-Skin disorders like oral lichen.


-Insufficient intake of nutrients.

-Drinking too much alcohol.

-Spicy food.

-An allergic reaction.

-Certain medicines like diuretics, diabetes and high blood pressure medicines.

-Hormonal changes in the body sometimes cause glossitis.

What are the symptoms of glossitis?

-Tongue appears pale pink or dark red.

-Tongue is painful, swollen and sore.

-Pain while chewing or talking.

-Tongue appears smooth

Does glossitis go away?

Glossitis goes away on their own but in order to avoid burning or pain in the tongue, treatment is necessary.

Is glossitis cancerous?

Cancer or malignancy is rarely associated with glossitis.

Is glossitis contagious?

No, glossitis is not contagious nor it can be transmitted.

What causes inflammation of the tongue?

Certain skin conditions cause inflammation of the tongue such as Oral lichen planus (an inflammatory disease-causing sores, swelling, and redness of the tongue), Syphilis (sexually transmitted infection), Pemphigus (an autoimmune disease).

What are the investigations for glossitis?

-On examining the tongue, it shows the following sign:

-Tongue appears smooth, due to loss of papillae.

-Swollen patchy tongue.

-Blood tests may be done to rule out other medical conditions.

What is the treatment for glossitis?

-Antibiotics, antifungal medications depending on the cause of glossitis.

-Anemia and nutritional deficiencies should be treated.

Diet and management of glossitis?

-Maintain good oral hygiene.

-Avoid irritants to reduce discomfort.

What are the complications of glossitis?

-Severe inflammation of tongue causes breathing troubles by blocking airways.

-Difficulties with speaking, chewing or swallowing.

Homeopathic treatment for glossitis?


-Apis mell




For more information, you can visit WebMD and eMedicine.


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