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What is Gingivitis? How to manage it? What are the precautions to be taken? What are the signs and symptoms? What is the cause of this disease? How to treat it? How can homeopathy help you? All of this answered, in this post and of course our doctors always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!


What is gingivitis?

Gingivitis refers to the inflammation of the gums. Chronic gingivitis can cause permanent damage to the teeth. Bacteria causes the inflammation of gums due to which gums become red, swollen and tender. When gum disease gets worsened it is known as – Periodontitis leading to the discharge of pus from gums and loosening of teeth.

What are the causes of gingivitis?

One of the common cause of gingivitis is poor dental hygiene.

-Poor oral hygiene habits

-Decreased immunity as a result of leukemia, HIV/AIDS or other conditions

Certain medications such as the anticonvulsant medications

-Dry mouth

-Hormonal changes, such as those occurring during the pregnancy, menstrual cycle or menopause

-Family history of dental disease

-Ill-fitting dental appliances

-Poor eating habits

-Poor tooth alignment

-Blood disorders

-Drug reactions

-Vitamin deficiencies

-Hormonal changes, especially those caused by pregnancy, puberty and menopause

-Bad oral habits, especially smoking

-Viral and fungal infection

What are the signs and symptoms of gingivitis?

-Swollen, red and bleeding gums

-A change in the color of gums from pink to bright red

-Tender Gums

-Receding Gums

-Mouth sores

-Shiny appearance of gums

-Bad breath

-Loose or shifting teeth

Can gingivitis be cured?

Yes, gingivitis can be cured.

Can Gingivitis go away?

Gingivitis can go away if it is acute but if not treated with good dental care, it may lead to periodontitis which may even loosen the teeth.

How to diagnose gingivitis?

From medical history and an examination of the teeth, gums, mouth, and tongue.

What is the treatment for gingivitis?

The goal of treatment is to reduce inflammation. Treatment may range from non-surgical therapies to surgery to restore supportive tissues or to combat inflammation.

What will happen if gingivitis remains untreated?


-Return of gingivitis


What are the precautions to be taken in the case of gingivitis?

-Good oral hygiene

-Brushing teeth twice daily

-properly rinse the mouth after eating.

-Gargling also helps treat gingivitis.

-Aloe vera proves helpful in treating gingivitis.

-Increase the consumption vitamin C.

Homeopathic medicines for gingivitis?

-Arnica montana



-Arsenicum album

-Ferrum phosphoricum

-Calcarea fluorica


-Kali phosphoricum

-Hepar sulphuris calcareum

-Mercurius solubilis

For more information, you can visit WebMD and eMedicine.


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