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Genus Pneumo Virus

What is genus pneumo virus? What are the symptoms of genus pneumo virus infection? How can homeopathy help you? All of this answered, in this post and of course our doctors always there to help you. Just fill in your details in the form down below and we will answer all your questions for FREE!

genus pneumo virus
What is genus pneumo virus?

The virus is responsible for upper and lower respiratory tract infection which can lead to complication which can endanger life.
The virus can affect animals also
It belongs to pneumoviridae family
Mainly attack as the opportunistic infection in previously suffering chronic infection in adults

Who is more prone to this virus?

• Children below 5 years
• Infants
• No specific gender both male and female are equally susceptible
• People of all ages
• Immunity-comprised persons
• In winters season

What are causes of genus pneumovirus?

• Metapneumo virus
• Human respiratory syncytial virus also called as orthopneumo virus

How do these viruses spread?

• Unwashed hands
• Droplet infection-coughing, sneezing, talking etc.
• Intimate physical contact
• Fomites like utensils, bed, clothing’s
• Secretions like sputum, saliva

What are signs and symptom of genus pneumo virus?

• Sneezing
• Purulent cough
• Sore throat
• Fever
• Wheezing on auscultation
• Fatigue
• Headache
• Decreased appetite

What investigations are advised for genus pneumo virus?

• Respiratory discharges like sputum
• Complete blood count
• X-ray chest
• Bronchoscopy
• Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction

What treatment is advised for genus pneumovirus?

• No specific treatment available
• Antiviral drugs can be helpful to reduce virulence of infection
• Anti-inflammatory drugs
• Anti-pyretic drugs
• Nebulization
• Cough Syrup-Broncho relaxants
• No vaccine is available till date
• Hospitalization may require in serious cases

What is prognosis of genus pneumo virus?

It is self-limiting disease hence either it recovers in 4-5days or can land in some serious complications.

What is complication of genus pneumo virus?

• Asthama
• Bronchiolitis
• Pneumonia
• Cardiac arrhythmias
• Myocardial failure
• Hepatitis

What is differential diagnosis of genus pneumo virus?

• Upper and lower respiratory tract infection
• Adenovirus

What management is helpful for genus pneumo virus?

• Use napkins and handkerchief while coughing or sneezing
• Don’t send child to school
• Maintain good hygiene
• Stay at home
• Avoid sharing fomites
• Wash hand with soap

What are commonly indicated homeopathic remedies for genus pneumo virus?

• Arscenicum iodum
• phosphorus
• Pulsatilla
• Natrum sulphuricum

Also Read: Pneumonia

For more information, you can visit ScienceDirect and NCBI.

Genus Pneumo Virus

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